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The last few school years were rough for everyone. And even though we weren't able to do some of the activities we normally would have, we were able to find new ways of ministering to the students of Vincennes University.

Thankfully we are slowly seeing things go back to normal. Because of this, we will be hosting our regular events and services we normally put on. You can find our Events page and Services page below.


It is not lost on us the impact this pandemic has had on the lives of everyone around us. For some, it never affected them any further than putting a mask on. And for others, it cost them having to say goodbye to a loved one. 

As we continue to navigate through this constantly changing world, it has never been more apparent that the light at the end of the tunnel is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Because of His unfailing love, and faithfulness we are able to persevere. We can rejoice that in this time of uncertainty, though Christ nothing can take away our Hope in Him.

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